Archive for bulkmigratie

Meer e-noses in haven


WE-nose netwerk

Two additional CMA CGM Asia services.


CMA CGM is launching two new services between Asia and Northern Europe, which will both call at Rotterdam weekly.

Toename overslag Dortmunder haven


De Dortmunder goederenoverslag op schepen en treinen beliep in 2014 samen 5,7 miljoen ton, tegen 5,3 in het jaar ervoor.

Pole route offers advantages for Rotterdam


The melting of the Arctic ice cap means that the northern sea route between Northeast Asia and Northwest Europe is commercially viable.

Twee Azië-diensten CMA CGM erbij.


CMA CGM start twee nieuwe diensten tussen Azie en Noord- Europa, die beide wekelijks Rotterdam aanlopen.

Netherlands has few strikes


In 2014, 25 strikes were held in the Netherlands. Ten thousand workers were involved and a total of 41,000 working days were lost.

Nederland staakt weinig


In 2014 zijn in Nederland 25 stakingen geteld.

Rotterdam Port Connector stimulates business


Never before was it so easy to get in touch with service providers in the ports of Rotterdam, Dordrecht and Moerdijk.

Rotterdam Port Connector stimuleert business


Nooit eerder was het contact leggen voor internationale klanten met de dienstverleners in de havens van Rotterdam, Dordrecht en Moerdijk

Rotterdam Port Connector stimulates business


Never before was it so easy to get in touch with service providers in the ports of Rotterdam, Dordrecht and Moerdijk.

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