Höegh Tracer Maiden Call

News Port of Rotterdam Authority

Yesterday, the Höegh Tracer made her maiden call to Rotterdam. The ship can transport 8,500 vehicles and, together with her sister ships, can be classified as one of the largest vehicle carriers in the world: fourteen decks high, 199.9 metres long and 36.5 metres wide.


The Tracer arrived at C.Ro Ports Automotive in the Brittanniëhaven, where both cars and rolling stock (excavators, dump trucks, etc.) were loaded and unloaded. These ships now take steel products and non-ferrous metals on board more and more often. The tight schedule used by these RoRo operators ensures a reliable arrival time, which is highly valued by customers.

The Höegh Tracer is the third ship in Höegh Autoliners’ ‘New Horizon’ new-build programme. The Norwegian company has purchased six of these so-called Post Panamax ships. It was on 21 August 2015 that a ship of this class first visited Rotterdam.

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