Matchmaking in port of Rotterdam for German associates.

Press Release Port of Rotterdam Authority

During the past two days, the Port of Rotterdam Authority played host to more than 150 German shippers and freight forwarders during the Rotterdam Experience Tour. The aim of this two-day tour was to allow German decision-makers in the logistics chain to see and experience the port of Rotterdam. In addition, the Port of Rotterdam Authority facilitated matchmaking with companies from the port of Rotterdam.

Matchmaking in haven van Rotterdam voor Duitse relaties.

The Rotterdam Experience Tour was a follow-up to the bayrolo study carried out in October 2015. An important conclusion of this study was that the connection between Bavaria and Rotterdam has even more potential than originally thought. A second conclusion was that German shippers, freight forwarders and shipping companies are receptive to the idea of exploring options via Rotterdam. The high turnout was an indication of the interest of the German market to optimise the logistics chain between Rotterdam and Bavaria collectively.

Yesterday the German guests saw the Maasvlakte I and II terminals from the water. During the morning of 16 March, they received an update about the latest developments in the port of Rotterdam and the connections with Europe, followed by a visit to RSC and RST in the Waal and Eemhaven area. The evening centred around ‘matchmaking’. Allard Castelein, the CEO of the Port Authority, welcomed the guests. Furthermore, there were presentations by Mark Frequin, Director-General of Mobility and Transport from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Adriaan Visser, City Councillor for Finance & Port, and the German Ambassador Franz Jozef Kremp.

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